So last week, our Witless Leader referred to Haiti (and El Salvador, as well as African nations collectively) as “ shithole countries ”, and while the language itself is reprehensible, I don’t think that should be our focus. Rather we need to examine our need to label countries as “shitholes”, and what that says about us, collectively. It’s racism, plain and simple. Not the racism of individual people who hold racist notions, or subscribe to racist ideologies, but Endemic Institutional Racism. Of course there is an interest in labeling Haiti as a “shithole countr[y]” - because Haiti is the first independent nation of Latin America and the Caribbean, the second republic in the Americas, and the only nation in the world established as a result of a successful slave revolt. If it’s a “shithole”, a failed State, then it just “proves” that Black and Brown people simply can’t govern themselves. We in the “civilized” West have made an example of Haiti ðŸ‡ðŸ‡¹ . Why?
Oprah Winfrey is not our Messiah. She cannot solve the problems of America. No one is. No one person can. Nor should we want them to. Oprah doesn't have perfect judgement. Remember, she supported and promoted the likes of Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Jenny McCarthy, and other charlatans who prey upon/pander to the less well-educated members of our society. Not everyone who is good at what they do, and effective where they are, would translate to a good President. Oprah would be much more effective doing what she does best - rallying public opinion to a cause and getting more people involved in the process. I love Elizabeth Warren - or rather, I love Senator Elizabeth Warren . In the Senate. Stirring shit up, calling out bullshit, protecting and serving her constituency. I would hate to see her hands (and mouth) tied up in the Presidency, where she would have to walk both sides and make compromises to get actual work done. I love Kshama Sawant . Having a Socialist on the Seattl