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Showing posts from November, 2008

Man Up!

I hate douches. Let me say that again. I REALLY hate douches. If you are a douche and you own it, I will not like you, but I will respect you. If you are a "closet douche", who likes to pretend you're a nice person to gain the trust of others and THEN exhibit your douchiness, then I only have two words for you. FUCK OFF. Rewind... I met a guy - we'll call him ANDREW, cause that's his name - about a year and a half ago, and we got along fine. We worked together, and we became friends. So about 6 months ago he's having trouble with his boyfriend and needs help moving out. I'm not really staying at home a whole lot, so I say "Sure, you can crash at my place," (RENT FREE - Mistake #1). Things move along, and pretty soon I'm thinking it might be a great idea to get a place together (Mistake #2). I need more space, we get along, he's a nice guy, (I can't keep my apartment and go back to college, since it's income-restricted, downtown) y