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Showing posts from January, 2017

You Have Power - You Just Need to Use It

I F YOU ARE A NIELSEN RATINGS HO USEHOLD - DO THIS. To see how Neilsen Ratings work (and don't work) click here. If you aren't (and let's face it, most of us aren't), then it doesn't matter what you do or don't watch on television - no one is paying attention. So, watch, don't watch, go outside, join the Women's March on Seattle (or your local protest march, rally, demonstration. Get involved in doing positive work in your local community. Washington DC doesn't represent us; through gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign influences, and just outright lies and propaganda, RepubliCorp has taken control of 2/3 branches of our Federal Government, but that's not what directly governs most of our daily lives. Yes, they affect much in the Big Picture, but the things we have direct control over - our Cities, Counties, States - we still have the power to affect the positive and progressive change we want to see. Building a movement mea