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Showing posts from April, 2009

Did California Fuck It Up For Everybody?

In a news article today on Bluprnt z. writes that there could be an incredibly unforseen result of Proposition 8: the California Supreme Court could rule that Marriage in it's entirety is unconstitutional and scrap the State's Marriage Laws in their entirety. Wouldn't that be a hoot! I make no secret that I do not entirely support Gay Marriage. I believe that Marriage is a religious ceremony, and as such, various religious institutions have the right to regulate it as their scripture and beliefs demand. I do not believe that Marriage is something that States (or the Federal Government) should be involved in at all. There is no State Religion in our country, and as Marriage is a religious institution, it has no place in Governance; to include or exclude anybody in it is not for Courts or Governments or Legislatures to decide. It's not even up to the People. It properly belongs in the perveyance of Religious Leaders. If you don't like what your religous bo

Why Miss California is Wrong...

In the Miss America Pageant ( forgive me for going here, but you'll see my reasoning shortly - whether you agree with it or not, you'll understand my POV ) Miss California is quoted as saying, “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.” While many will attack her for her views, I'm going to refrain from doing so. Not because I agree with her - I don't - but because she has a right to her POV. What she does NOT have the right to do is misrepresent the reality that we, as Gay and Lesbian citizens of the United States of America, face every day. “We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite." I don't know what land she lives in, but here in Washington State, I do NOT have that option. Recently, our Legislature passed the &