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Showing posts from 2013

[Some Number of] Lessons I Hope to Teach My Child(ren)...

I thought I'd make a "Top Ten" or whatever random numbered list of things I have learned in my life (some of them quite recently) that I wanted to be sure to impart to any offspring I put out into the world, but then I decided I liked the idea of a rambling sort of account, since that's the way I think most times. Then I reconsidered, because what if I want to reference things? It's much easier to say "See #17", than "Remember That Thing I Said About Being Happy?" So the list is numbered, but many of these things are going to be interrelated, some may repeat, but are stated in different ways, or may be different evolutions of the same thought. What can I say, I ramble, I like metaphors, and if I can find a better metaphor, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to abandon the one previous. There will probably be further posts referencing this one, expounding upon it, et cetera. Well, I'm not dead, yet, and until I am, I fully int