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Showing posts from 2015

Why Compersion is Important to Me, and Should Be Equally Important to You.

#Poly #Polyamory #Compersion #Relationships Compersion is, I believe, fundamental to true happiness in a relationship. It is finding joy in the simple fact that your romantic partner(s) has/have found joy in their lives - and the fact that it sometimes happens without you is not a barrier. Gracie X speaks to Compersion in her article Why My Husband and I Sometimes Have Sex With Other People. ( "Compersion fascinates me because it sanctions the idea of our partner deriving pleasure in a context separate from us, and from another source. In this way, compersion is antithetical to how we view relationships and expect to operate in them. We are raised to believe that when we are one half of a couple, we should derive all our happiness and pleasure from that single partner and only experience it together with that partner." Before we were in relationship with one another, we were indiv

Applying Poly Dymanics to a Mono Life

When I was younger, I subscribed to the ideal of the white picket fence, 3BR house, a husband, a dog, some number of kids... the whole shebang. I was going to be one of those "normal gays". I've since grown up and realised that I'm not. Not now, and not ever going to be. That is not to cast dispersions upon those who've done exactly that. Some of us really are "just like you", and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of my best friends... Yeah, you know where that's going. Seriously though, it's a perfectly viable option. For someone else. I've learned a lot about myself since my early 20s, and one of those things is that I'm not suited to the nuclear family dynamic. I used to think that this meant that there were certain things I was just going to have to miss out on. Children being primary among them. If I wanted kids, I was going to have to have a partner to raise them, right? That's how it's done, properly. Being a singl